سلام دادا. . . . . . . .چه خوش تیپ .. چه خوش تیپ .. چه خوش تیپ .. شدی حالا ..
When one door of happiness closes,another opens, But we often look so long at the closed door,that we do not see the one which has been opened for us!
Yeki ghashangie manzare ro mibine,yeki kasifie panjare.In toei ke tasmim migiri chi bebini! Omidvaram hamishe ghashang bebini,hata az poshte1 panjereye kasif.
Hamishe az faseleha gele mikonim,shayad yademan rafte ke dar mashgh haye koodaki baraye fahmidane kalamat kami fasele lazem bood...
بکس.Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ÙرÙد ب٠اÙ٠اسکÛ٠اÛ٠آدرس٠اÙ