i Am a sTudenT Of engIneerinG....
Hi dear m f9 how bout u??
s Govinda...i Am the bigG fan for Rock..i aM fiNe..hoW aboUt U??
How many u famly members. . ?
weLcomE frNd 2 my pagE...HaVe a nIce StaY hEre.....gUd mRng..
Hai. . Hws u. . ? Whts u dng. . Frnd. ?
Sry for the late rly. . My name Haniya. .
gd mrng frd. . . Hve a nce day. . . .
* friendly better than love,,,silent better than talk,,,smile better than lunch,,,But...Noting better than (true friend) who give,given & pure in friendshif. *