♥Smile increases value of face,
♥spoils beauty of soul, Faith is
of life, Confidence is companion
♥success, So keep smiling.
gOOd mOrning
N¡ght ¡$ @ ₩ond€®fu£ Oppo®tun¡t¥.
To t@k€ ®€$t,
To fo®g¡v€,
To D®€@m,
To $m¡£€ @nd
To g€t ®€@d¥
fo® @££ th€ b@tt£€$
Th@t ¥ou h@v€ to f¡ght tomo®®o₩.
Go_oD N¡ght
Don't ₩@¡t fo®
th€ £@$t judgm€nt.
¡t ©om€$
Goood Mo®n¡ng
M@¥ ¥ou b€ b£€$$€d
₩¡th g¡g@nt¡¢
,,''`°^°`'$t@rt ¥our d@¥'`°^°`'',
,,''`°₩¡th @ $m¡£€ on ¥our f@©€^`
,,''`°^@nd ¥ou ₩¡££ f¡nd th@t^°`'',,
,,''`°^@££ ¥ou g€t b@©k @r€^°`'',,
,,''`°^°`''$m¡£€ ¡n r€turn''`°^°`'',,
₩¡$h ¥ou @ v€r¥ GooD Morn¡nG
¡f ¥ou ₩@nt $om€th¡ng ¥ou n€v€r h@d,
Do $om€th¡ng ¥ou h@v€ n€v€r don€.
Don't go th€ ₩@¥ £¡fe t@k€$ ¥ou,
T@k€ th€ £¡f€ th€ ₩@¥ ¥ou go.
@nd r€m€mb€r ¥ou @r€ born to l¡v€,
Not £¡v¡ng b€©@u$€ ¥ou @r€ born.
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