Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
you see who’s thinking of u!
It’s me.

hha boleh aja kalik.. keren kok

hello sexy girl...how r u...
True friends,
Come few and far between,
True friends don't lie,
Don't cower when they do wrong,
Don't talk about you behind your back,
To be a friend is to help when there is need,
Help to bring you up,
A true friend will never let you down,
A true friend,
Come few and far between,
My friends are true,
The ones that don't lie,
The ones that don't say it wont work out,
My friends help me with my need,
My friends are true to me.
To my friends,
I am sorry,
To my friends,
For what I have done,
To my friends,
You have tried to help me,
To my friends,
I thank you for what you have done,
To my friends,
I think about you all everyday,
To my friends,
You’re the ones that keep,
To my friends,
I thank you but I am sorry,
To my friends,
For what I have done
true friends are there when youfall
people who say they are your friend but trun aroud and satbleyou in the back are not friends
true friends care about you
people who say there are your friends the don't because they are not friends
so if your one of those people who say there are friend think about if it was you that thougt your a friend
bgus bgt slogan lu

=>Jgn berhenti NGENTOTin gw sebelum
lu benar benar puas
looking at ur pic n found u so gorgeous