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13 years ago
ok..i will
its nt hindi...its italian
made by me
13 years ago
soory dada 4 my late
she dont use that now..
anshu...peyer me fida ho kar..
hide kiya...
13 years ago

A GirL wiLL SmIlE In pAiN, CrY In jOy..
sHe wiLL GiVe uP aLL HeR PLeaSuReS;
JuSt fOr a sMiLe fRoM SoMeOnE ShE LoVeS..♥
sHe wiLL ChAnGe a 100 dReSsEs,n sTiLL nOt LikE AnY..
sHe wIlL ShOuT LiKe mAnIaCs;tHeN CrY LiKe a LiL KiD..
ShE WoULd HuG YoU,n fOrGeT ThE WodLD..
ShE WoULd Be sAtIsFiEd bY A SiMpLe:'I'm ThErE..'
a gIrL DoEsN’T NeEd bIg tHnGs iN LiFe
sHe iS HaPpY WiTh tHe sMaLL pOpCoRn aT ThE MoViE..

VaLuE ThE GiRlS In yOuR LiFe,bE It uR MoThEr, SiStEr,
GrAnDmOtHeR,WiFe,LoVe-mAtE Or a fRiEnD...
sHe hAs gIvEn hEr sOuL FoR Ur jOy;
rEsPeCt gILS N MaKe tHeM FeeL pRoUd...
gOOd NigHt My FrieND

she come n my wall..u didn`t recognise hersoon i will come
13 years ago
MaKe a mInD WhIcH NeVeR mInDs…
mAkE A HeArT WhIcH NeVeR hUrTs…
mAkE A ToUcH WhIcH NeVeR pAiNs..&…
MaKe a ‘ReLaTiOn’ wHiCh nEvEr 'EnDs'.
In aNy rElAtIoNsHiP,
tHe eSsEnCe oF TrUsT Is nOt iN ItS BiNd, AgE, cAsTe oR CrEeD.
BuT In iTs bOnD...
So hOlD ThE HaNd oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe
rAtHeR ThAn eXpEcTiNg tHeM To hOlD YoUrS...
EnJoY Ur bEaUtIfUl lIfE WiTh cArE..sMiLe,,, & LoVe... :">" border="0"/> i`M sLeePy... bYe... bYe...hAvE eNrgEtiC sLeePy dAy
13 years ago

StEaLiNg tHe bLuE FrOm tHe SpLAsHiNg sEaS...

A TiNgE Of GrEEn fRoM ThE YoUtHfuL TrEEs...

A bIt oF OrAnGe fRoM ThE SuNsEt hUeS..

WiTh cRysTaL wHiTe fRoM ThE MoRnInG DeWs..

I hAvE FrAmEd a bRiGhT AnD CoLoUrFuL WiSh...
jUsT FoR YoU...
WiShInG SuPeRb cOlOrFuL NiGhT...

13 years ago

A BoY WaS TeAcHiNg a gIrL ArItHmEtIc,
He sAiD It wAs hIs mIsSiOn..
He kIsSeD HeR OnCe; He kIsSeD HeR TwIcE AnD SaId,
'nOw tHaT'S AdDiTiOn..
iN SiLeNt sAtIsFaCtIoN, sHe sWeEtLy gAvE ThE KiSsEs bAcK AnD SaId,
'nOw tHaT'S SuBtRaCtIoN...
ThEn hE KiSsEd hEr, ShE KiSsEd hIm, WiThOuT An eXpLaNaTiOn.
AnD BoTh tOgEtHeR SmILEd aNd sAiD, 'ThAt's mUlTiPlIcAtIoN..
ThEn hEr dAd aPpEaReD UpOn tHe sCeNe aNd mAdE A QuIcK DeCiSiOn.
He kIcKeD ThAt bOy tHrEe bLoCkS AwAy aNd sAiD,
'ThAts lOnG DiViSiOn!
MaTh iS HaRd wHeN YoU CaUgHt
hAvE A LaUgHiNg NighT

SwEEt DrEaMs BrUsH Ur TeeTh BeForE sLeEp
13 years ago

FoUr cAndLEs sLoWLy BuRnEd...
tHe aMbiaNcE WaS SoFt, OnE CoULd ALMoSt hEaR ThEm tALkiNg...
ThE FiRsT CaNdLe sAiD: *i aM PeAcE!*
tHe wOrLd iS FuLL oF AnGeR AnD FiGhTiNg NoBoDy cAn kEeP Me Lit!.
ThEn tHe fLaMe oF PeAcE WeNt oUt cOmPLetLy.
*ThE SeCoNd cAnDlE SaId *i aM FaItH*
*i aM No LonGeR InDiSpEnSabLE.
It dOeSn’t mAkE SeNsE ThAt i sTaY LiT AnOtHeR MoMeNt.*
JuSt tHeN A BrEeZe sOftLY BLeW fAiThS fLAmE.
SaDLy ThE ThIrD CaNdLe bEgAn tO SpEaK. *i aM LoVe*
PeOpLe dOn’t uNdErStAnD My iMpOrTaNcE So tHeY SiMpLy pUt mE AsIdE.
ThEy eVeN FoRgOt tO LoVe tHoSe wHo aRe nEaReSt tO ThEm!.
AnD WaItInG No LOnGeR LoVeS FLamE WeNt oUt.
sUdDenLY a cHiLd eNtErS ThE RoOm aNd sAw tHe tHrEe uNLit cAnDLes.
*WhY ArEn’t yOu bUrNiNg?
yOuR SuPPosEd tO StAy Lit tiLL ThE EnD.*
sAyInG ThIs, ThE ChIlD BeGaN To cRy.
tHeN ThE FoUrTh cAnDLE AnSwErEd *dOn’t bE AfRaId,
*I Am hOpE!* wHiLe i aM StiLL BuRnInG We cAn rE-LiGhT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS* WiTh sHiNiNg eYeS ThE ChILd ToOk tHe cAnDLe Of hOpE
AnD LiT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS.ThE GrEaTeSt oF ThEsE Is LOvE...
bUt tHe fLaMe oF HoPe sHouLd NeVeR Go oUt iN YoUr LifE!
i hOpE EaCh oF Us cAn LivE WiTh pEaCe,,FaItH AnD LoVe...
i hOpE I`M Nt bOtHeRiNg yOu bY A ShOrT MeSsAgE...
">" border="0"/>

">" border="0"/>

">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
U r BEST Heart Surgeon
In the World...
Because You Made a
Place In My Heart...
Without CUTING nd
SPILLING blood...
I am Lucky 2 have a
nice FRIEND Like u.

13 years ago
sangat ki rangat
13 years ago


WhEn i wAs bOrN...
A GrEaT WoMaN WaS ThErE To hoLd Me- My mOtHeR!!!
WheN I GrEw aS A ChIlD... l
A WoMaN WaS ThErE To cArE FoR Me aNd pLaY WiTh mE- mY SiStEr!!!
WhEn i wEnT To sChOoL...
A WoMaN WaS ThErE tO HeLp mE LeArN- mY TeAcHeR!!!
WheN I BeCaMe dEpReSsEd aNd wHeNeVeR I LoSt...
A wOmAn wAs tHeRe tO OfFeR A ShOuLdEr- mY FrIeNd...!!!
WhEn i nEeDeD CoMpAnY, cOmPaTaBiLiTy aNd lOvE...
A GrEaT WoMaN WaS ThErE FoR Me- My wIfE...!!!
WheN I BeCaMe tOuGh...
A wOmAn wAs tHeRe tO MeLt mE- mY DaUgHtEr...!!!
AnD.. WhEn i dIe...
A WoMaN Is tHeRe tO AbSoRb mE In- My mOtHeRlAnD!!!**

If yOu aRe a mAn..VaLuE EvErY WoMaN!!
aNd..If yOu aRe a wOmAn...bE PrOuD To bE ThE OnE!!
cOuRaGiOuS hApPy EvnInG...

13 years ago
*tHe hEaRt iS LiKe a fLoWeR…
UnLeSs iT Is oPeN It cAnNoT ReLeAsE ItS FrAgRaNcE InTo tHe wOrLd.
tHe fRaGrAnCe oF ThE HeArT Is mAdE Up oF ThE QuALiTieS AnD
ViRtUeS Of oUr sPiRiT.
MoSt oF Us hAvE LeArNeD HoW To kEeP OuR HeArT CLosEd
iN A WoRLd ThAt WouLD TrAmpLE aLL OvEr uS If wE LeT It.
bEiNg oPeN HeArTeD ToDaY SeEmS To rEqUiRe tReMeNdOuS CoUrAgE.
It iS A CoUrAgE WhIcH CoMeS OnLy
wHeN We rEaLiZe tHaT No oNe cAn hUrT Us,
nO MaTtEr wHaT ThEy sAy oR Do.
tHeY MaY HuRt oUr bOdY,
bUt iF We hAvE ReAiLzEd wE ArE SpIrIt,
nOtHiNg oUtSiDe cAn tOuCh uS, iF We sO DeCiDe.
LiTtLe bY LiTtLe, pRaCtIcE OpEnInG YoUr hEaRt tO ThOsE...
YoU ThInK HaVe hUrT YoU.
ReALizE It wAsN’T ThEm tHaT HuRt yOu,
It wAs yOuRseLF.
AnD It tAuGhT YoU NoT To tRuSt aNd yOu cLoSeD YoUr hEaRt.
a cLoSeD HeArT Is iN NeEd oF OpEnInG.
aNd wHeN YoU Do,yOu wIlL HaVe bEgUn tO HeAl yOuRseLF.*

PeOpLe wiLL ALwaYs tHrOw sToNeS In oUr pAtH …. !!
iT DePeNdS On uS …. !!
wHaT Do wE MaKe fRoM It :

'A WaLL oF DiFfIcuLtIEs Or A WaLL oF SuCcEsS '
GooD EvEniNG

13 years ago

GiRl: I DeSeRvE NoThInG & YoU DeSeRvE EvErYtHiNg.
BoY: i aM NoThInG & YoU ArE My eVeRyThInG.
aNd nOw wE DeSeRvE EaCh oThEr!

yOu cAn wIn LifE By aLL mEaNs
If yOu sImpLY AvOiD TwO ThInGs iN LiFe
CoMpArInG WiTh oThErS, aNd eXpEcTiNg fRoM OtHeRs!

yOu dOn’t nEeD EvErYtHiNg tO EnJoY LiFe
YoU ALreAdY HaVe LifE To eNjOy eVeRyThInG...FloWeRy NigHT:grouphugs:
">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
If You Can Smile At The
>When You
Are Completely
Then Remember
There Is Nothing
In The World
That Can Break U
Next Time..
13 years ago

If u r sInGLE, pEoPLE AsK AbOuT Ur fUtUrE PLAnS
WhEn u hAvE A FiAnCe, ThEy aSk fOr wEdDiNg.
wHeN U GeT MaRrIeD, tHeY AsK FoR ChiLDrEn.
oNcE U HaVe oNe, ThEy aSk 4 aNoThEr.
iF U GeT DiVoRcEd, ThEy aSk y.
iF U TrY 2 StArT Ur LifE AgAiN,ThEy aSk y sO QuickLy.
PeOpLe nEvEr LikE WhAt u dO.

If u r pRoUd oF WhO U R
aNd DoN’T CaRe aBoUt wHt pEopLe ThInK...
It’s yOuR LiFe aNd YoU ShOuLd
LivE It tHe wAy yOu wAnT To… !

ItS Ur nIgHt...mAkE Ur oWn dReAmS...

13 years ago
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13 years ago
**LoVe iS NoT To sAy, bUt tO UnDeRsTaNd…
LOvE Is nOt tO ShOw, bUt tO FeeL iNsIdE…….
LOvE Is nOt tO FiNd fAuLtS, BuT To mAkE ThE BeSt……
LoVe iS NoT To dEmAnD, BuT To sAcRiFiCe……
LoVe iS NoT To hUrT, BuT To tAkE CaRe oF……….
LOvE Is nOt bLiNd, bUt iT DoEsN’T NeEd tO SeE………**
LoVeLy TuEs DaY dEaR FrIeNd...
hEaRtLy sAy yOu *GooD EvEniNG*

KeeP">" border="0"/>KeeP SmiLinG
13 years ago
EvErYdaY, i wAiT FoR A TeXt… EvErYdaY I SeE YoU I WaIt fOr a hElLo… EvErYdaY I ChEcK My AccOunT To sEe iF YoU WrOtE On mY WaLL… EvErYdaY I TeLL mYseLF hOw mUcH YoU VaLuAbLe tO Me… EvErYdaY I FiNd mYseLF LeT DoWn… bUt eVeRyDaY I StiLL FiNd hOpE..!
13 years ago
ThE MoSt bEaUtIfuL pEoPLe iN ThE WoRLd ArE NoT ThOsE wItH AtTrAcTiVe fAcEs oR SkInNy bOdY, BuT ThOsE WhO KnOw HoW To rEsPeCt tHe bEaUtY Of oThErS.!!! i bELieVe tHaT TwO PeOpLe aRe cOnNeCtEd aT ThE HeArT, aNd iT DoEsN’T MaTtEr wHaT ThEy LooKs oR Do, Or wHo yOu aRe oR WhErE YoU LiVe; ThErE ArE No bOuNdArIeS Or bArRiErS If tWo pEoPLe ArE DeStInEd tO Be tOgEtHeR As fRiEnDs!
13 years ago
HOW TO KNOW THAT U R NORMAL? 1. U HaV Os aCcOuNt 2. U HaV CeLl pHoNe 3. U WaTcH MtV 4. u uSe uNlImItEd mSg oN Os 6. U SlEeP LaTe 7. U R SoO BuZy tHt u fOrGoT To rEaD NuMbEr 5 9. NoW U ScRoL Up tO SeE If dEr wAs nUmBeR 5 ( DnT WoRy tHeRe iS No nUmBeR 10. nW U R SmIlInG 11. MaY LaUgHiNg 12. rEaLiZiNg tHt u r nT NoRmAl! FrIeNd i dOnT WaNt tO Be nOrMaL...hOpE U 2...GoOd nIgHt....AbNoRmAl dReAmS
13 years ago
If u dOnT WaNt tO KnOw wHaTs pAiN, DoN’T LoVe aNyOnE TrUeLy. .. iF SoMeOnE LoVeS YoU TrUlY.. NeVeR ShOw tHeM WhAtS PaIn...!
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