zubi1666  danh sách khách của bạn (39) Nhận xét

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13 years ago
Gud morning to u and all ur frndz
13 years ago
'It doESn’t mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn... Two friEnds aLwAyS kNoW The love and bOnD wE feLt.. ThAt wiLL nEvEr fAdE aWAy... SomEtimEs it’S hArD kNowiNg I cAn’t sEE yOuR EyEs.. AnD yOu cAn’t hEaR mY vOicE... EvEn tHouGh i kNoW riGhT WhErE yOu arE.. BUt mY DeaR friEnD... ThE LovE wE hAd StiLL rEmaiN thE sAmE.. AnD tHAt wiLL nEvEr diE...' sWeEt niT 2 u mY frN
13 years ago
Soooooo hottttttt zubiiiiii
13 years ago
gud nyt
13 years ago
DifferencE betweeN FrienD & WifE/HusbanD... U caN TeLL uR FrienD “U r mY BesT FrienD” BuT Do u havE couragE teLL tO uR WifE/HusbanD “U r mY BesT WifE/HusbanD?” if yoU havE enougH couragE theN thE resulT iS....deer">http://www.desicomments.com/dc/14/33715/337151.jpg" border="0"/>deer chasing a dearbored you can use itwat">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal199.gif" border="0"/>wat he have donewat">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal261.gif" border="0"/>wat happened?..why laughgood eveningha">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyphotoshopped179.jpg" border="0"/>ha ha ha... caN yoU chasE mE? 4 mY smilinG frienD
13 years ago
miss u zubi..good morning
13 years ago
">http://mystuffspace.com/graphic/good-morning.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/glitters/g/good_morning-276.gif" border="0"/> ">http://display.ubercomments.com/6/6390.gif" border="0"/> ">http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss40/RavenFeather300/255F255FGMPPanani1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://media.picfor.me/001192434/Comments-I-made-Good-Morning-HAVE-A-GREAT-DAY-taglines-WEEKENDS-DAYS-Days-witam-ceca-PoemsQuotes-sweet-amicizia-Good-morningGood-night-Crimsons-Album-WeekendDays-sayings-comment-pics-wonderful-day-liza-Day-Greetings-nk_large.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://media.picfor.me/001CE7DA/kg-miss-u-a%252525252525252525252525C5%2525252525252525252525259Fk-album-of-love-my-album-art-kg-vermisse-faves-Other-Arena-Images-ceca-Monika-Love-sss-words-roxiez-merci-lovebisous-love-notes-miss-you-romantika-Little-of-everything-roses-EYE-CANDEE-lav-r%252525252525252525252525C3%252525252525252525252525B3%252525252525252525252525C5%252525252525252525252525BCno%252525252525252525252525C5%2525252525252525252525259Bci-missing-you-Soft-beach-Wet-precious-sexy-mine-Diverse-longhand-girls-miss-reg-sweet-sayings-saying-Dank-silky-arena-Misc-greetings-BB-comments-romantic-Liebe-asa-nice-sandee-wow-arena-httpmediapicforme001F6E47girl-girl-art-bw-sexy-girls-My-Fav-Hot-Girls-Sexy-Pictures-sensual-l-food-for-the-senses-Onle-4-me-wendys-imissu-Valentine-Valentines-Day-dfa-Mar-quotes-nadpisi-sexy1-love-words-k-album-Verses-cute_large.jpg" border="0"/> good morning my heartbreath i miss u zubi
13 years ago
missssssssing u so much zubi..
13 years ago
'A sMilE of enCouRagEmeNt aT tHe riGht mOmeNt mAy aCt likE sUnLight on a cLosEd-up fLowEr; iT mAy bE tHe tuRniNg pOiNt fOr a sTruggLing LifE.' gUt EvEniNg dEaR fRiEnD
13 years ago
">http://orkutmela.com/images/scraps/13/good_evening_comment_graphic_02.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.commentsyard.com/graphics/good-evening/good-evening02.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.glitters123.com/glitter_graphics/Day_Glitters/Good_Evening/Good-Evening-Glitters-1.gif" border="0"/> good evening zubi
13 years ago
">http://sherlockfrog.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/where_are_you__by_jajoo1.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://s.myniceprofile.com/myspacepic/245/24595.gif" border="0"/> ">http://images.paraorkut.com/img/myspacequotes/Girlie_1402776811_saying.png" border="0"/> ">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-T4Dv6EnWYhU/TV_yG4gbPtI/AAAAAAAABLA/oQkFXlq2hCw/s1600/love-is-a-feeling-quote.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bXimGilQSBw/Tb7xoIxwrzI/AAAAAAAAAJM/NXXRNjbZUMI/s1600/myspace_love_quotes53.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.zulva.com/images/think_you/images/think-you-quotes.jpg" border="0"/>
13 years ago
Hi aap kase ho aap mujha acha lgta ho have nice day
13 years ago
u no wat frnds that frnds s more than lover so dnt evr ignor frnd
13 years ago
Miss you zubi.
13 years ago
miss u
">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKp2ksFf-cey81zWvsLBtQVKbF-CBKlLgyPLPfPan7r1QCP7_Zub8W_w" border="0"/> ">http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZObWx06T9z4MZ77ZhQL200VUHnZjdaGVV_4NZLIBQ-u5JBN5jP7BDog" border="0"/> ">http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT925qKGpchHPvy3IRXCP_Q2y2e0l25GeqeMqK0_1RbMipH2fCBuwOvUg" border="0"/> ">http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwM705_rvqm74ORBOtFIfeo38ymglxZd0bE0ScypmHfHN3Jh8IYXXWIMo" border="0"/> ">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9RhXD6Y7Urw3xhUQcw07_CwYUjiyPxtUwO_LWTAEHxFsQbZzCwKyW2Q" border="0"/> ">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-X5rztE8tzUqakY66-PNivhoqKGiSfa5J5_b6m2z8RzvXnj_N6TkGgH0" border="0"/> ">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNNz-rjN-QfPQEYNUWMOtMa4be_4uikHvqDh5cDiPnII-YH0yxxPawfg" border="0"/> ">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlCTqWOIomsfLAza_ufTegpHE9Vq6QVfb-_k0H7JvMy-BgtWf0uHbljjQ" border="0"/> ">http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvkvNP_tL3ayqyE2aYGy5GV-580BpSaG6HtkPxhAbxdzuzJXst6rfSyw" border="0"/>
13 years ago
Its 03:09 am i suddenly wake up and missing u zubi so much. Thn i see ur pics at my phn i again looking at u coz u too looking at me deeply zubi. I miss u zubi.I really need u zubi.Please come
13 years ago
i don leave you..my old frn..if i not leave..but remaine me plz..
13 years ago
'An eLdErlLy genTlEmAn wEnt tO sEe hiS dÖcToR aNd aSkEd foR a pResCriPtiOn of ViAgrA. ThE dÖctÖr sAiD, "ThAt's nÖ prÖblEm. How maNy dÖ yÖu wAnT ?" ThE mAn aNswErEd, "JUsT a feW, mAybE 4, bUt cUt eAch oNe iN 4 piEcEs." ThE dÖctÖr sAid, "ThAt wÖn't dÖ yÖu aNy gÖoD." ThE eLderLy gEntLEmAn sAid, "That's aLrighT. I dÖn't nEEd thEm foR sÈx aNymÖrE aS I aM ovEr 90 yEaRs oLd. I juSt wAnT iT tÖ sTiCk oÙt faR eNouGh sÖ I dÖn't pÈe oN mY sHoEs." may be the shoes wERe very vaLuAbLe: fÖrGivE mE... itS nÖt 4 yÖu..if yOu aRe a kiD oR if yÖu aRe biG kiD.. THEN yoU aLrEaDy gRoWn uP... Coz..yOu rEaD iT if yOu aRe aDuLt.. givE mE bAcK uR sMilE swEEt drEAmS..swEEt friEnd tHaNx 4 come
13 years ago
miss u zubi.
13 years ago
i love u zubi. good night and sweet dreamz with me ">http://c.editingmyspace.com/files/en/good.night/good_night_025.gif" border="0"/> ">http://www.snazzycomments.com/cat/good-night/good-night-my-love-2.gif" border="0"/>
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