dO what makes u happy...LaUgh as mUch as u brEathe...Love as Long u Live..and aLso..kEep rEminDing UrseLf that evErything haPpens 4 a rEasOn.....
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OwnSkin In-A-Box
About Me
ab0ut me?? ma name iz fatin syazwani... but.. pe0pLe usuaLLy caLL me as 'atien'... ehehehe.. i'm 18years 0Ld diz year... and stiLL a student... ma h0met0wn is in keLantan... but right n0w i Live in N9.. n aLs0 stdying there... ahakz... i'm usuaLLy surfing intrnet evryday bc0z i reaLLy L0ve it!! pLus.... i Like t0 meet pe0pLe n make a new frenz here... there r s0 many pe0pLe i can meet here... right n0w... i'm enj0ying ma Life eventh0ugh... i'm aLways get sick... dat d0esn't b0ther me s0 much..! i'm a happy g0 Lucky pers0n... a LittLe bit crazy.. but s0metimes can b very sensitive... ehehe... =p n aLs0 easy get g0ing... kind a sweet n L0vabLe pers0n t0o..(perhaps!) ahahahaha....